Directed by internationally renowned filmmaker Patricia Chica, "Serpent's Lullaby" was selected to be shown at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival and went on to win the Canadian "Coup de coeur" award.

Serpent’s Lullaby

Few people know the name of the eccentric woman living in the centuries-old mansion just outside of town. Even fewer have seen her face. But everyone has heard the stories.

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Filming in Yukon Backcountry

Filming in the Yukon backcountry during the summer. (Basic elements to know)

Every year, numerous film and documentary crews make their way to the backcountry of the Yukon because it is a stunning and isolated wilderness. However, filming in remote areas comes with its own unique set of safety risks that must be considered. We will be discussing critical safety considerations for film and documentary crews who are planning to shoot in the backcountry of the Yukon throughout the course of the summer in this post on our blog.

To begin, it is essential to have a comprehensive awareness of the environment in which you will be recording. The wilderness of the Yukon is famous for its inaccessibility, its harsh topography, and the unpredictability of its weather patterns. This indicates that film crews should be prepared for a broad variety of weather, including intense sunshine, severe rain, and even snow, depending on where they are shooting. It is essential that you conduct research on the locations where you intend to shoot, as there may be active mining activities or other dangers in those places.

It is important to become familiar with the region you will be exploring before to venturing into the backcountry in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises. This involves doing things like reviewing topographical maps and weather forecasts, as well as acquiring knowledge about any potential dangers, such as fauna or flora that could be toxic. In addition, it is essential that you be familiar with the many cities that are located in the Yukon as well as the distances that you will need to drive in order to get to the spot where the filming will take place. It is also a smart idea to let someone else know your plans, including the route and arrival time that you anticipate taking, so that they may alert the proper authorities in the event that you do not make it back as expected.

Travelling on the Yukon River
The great Yukon River, which takes us to the Arctic Ocean. Here in Dawson City, ever-present in people's lives.
Downton Dawson City
Yes, the Films.Solutions team loves Dawson City, a jump into the Canadian Far North, between gold diggers and those who want to change their lives.
A beautiful setting
At the detour of a road, a view of the civilization closing in on the mountains.

Facts about the Yukon

The Yukon has a population of just under 40,000, for a vast territory. For comparison, Belgium is 16 times smaller than the Yukon, but with a population 287 times larger. The Yukon has 0.1 inhabitants per square kilometer, while Belgium has 380 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Filming in the Yukon can be a challenging and difficult experience

in the event that broken equipment needs to be replaced. Due to the isolated and treacherous nature of the wilderness, it might be challenging to acquire replacement gear in a timely manner. It is necessary to transfer high-end film equipment via air, which is not only an expensive but also a time-consuming process. However, by utilizing the Films.Solutions network, it is feasible to acquire new equipment from major production facilities in Canada in a speedy and straightforward manner. Even in the most inaccessible areas, film crews are able to continue their work thanks to this network, which offers an effective way for them to obtain the equipment they require to do so. In addition, it is a smart idea to have a backup plan and pack extra equipment in order to avoid having your filming schedule get delayed or interrupted for any reason.

Being ready for any kind of unexpected event is an additional vitally important safety measure. This necessitates bringing along a fully filled first aid kit as well as a method of communication such as a satellite phone or an emergency beacon just in case something goes wrong. It is also a good idea to pack a fire starter, a water filter, additional food, and clothing so that you can stay warm and dry in the event that the weather takes an unexpected turn or there is an emergency.

When selecting a site for filming, it is critical to keep in mind the need to maintain a high level of security at all times. Pick a location that is easily accessible, and steer clear of filming in remote or potentially hazardous places. In addition to this, it is essential to be conscious of the natural environment and to take care not to annoy the local fauna or cause any damage to the surrounding area.

When filming, it is essential to adhere to the appropriate safety measures, particularly when operating equipment such as cameras and drones. Always make sure you follow the directions provided by the manufacturer and always use the appropriate protective gear.

When going camping, it is absolutely necessary to establish your basecamp in a secure site, such as a level, dry region that is sheltered from the wind. Bears and other forms of wildlife can be lured in by food and other odoriferous goods, therefore it is a good idea to have a container that is resistant to bears to store your food and any other fragrant items.

Having fun when Filming in Yukon

Why not try my luck by doing what thousands of people have done before me, which is to look for gold nuggets with a gold pan and a lot of determination.

Did i found some gold?

Unfortunately no! The luck of the beginner prospector was not with me. The Yukon a land of discovery

Finally, it is important to be aware of the wildlife in the area and to take appropriate precautions. This includes avoiding contact with wild animals and carrying bear spray or other protective measures if you suspect there may be bears or other dangerous animals in the area.

In conclusion, the Yukon backcountry is a beautiful and exciting place to film, but it is also a dangerous environment that requires proper planning and safety measures. By researching the area, being prepared for emergencies, choosing safe locations, and being aware of the potential hazards, you can greatly increase your chances of having a successful and safe filming experience in the backcountry. Remember to always be prepared and to respect the wilderness and its inhabitants.

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